Did you know?

Melissa is not only name of herb, which attracts bees and can be commonly found in Poland. It is also a name of Greek mythological nymph, which was importunate enough to be turned into a bee by Zeus.

Did you know?

Ginger is mostly associated with aromatic cuisine. It is also used in cosmetics industry due to its slimming properties. BELiN combined asian scent of ginger with sea buckthorn and refreshing lime.

Tea is our passion,
creation of tea is an adventure,
and drinking tea is a pleasure.


Tea in teabags is as valuable as leafy one. Only condition is, that it is made not only with passion, but its creation is based on knowledge and experience. You may find all of this in our teas. Choose one of them and brew with our propositions. We are sure that drinking of our tea would be as exciting for you as it is for us.


It’s the nature that tells us the best solutions. You may feel it in our teas.
Each of our teas is an effect of searching, testing and passion, which is also necessary to create perfect composition. Just for you.
Tea needs time and celebration. We needed time to gain experience in its production but now we know that it was worth it. Thanks to that you may try excellent teas.

Our products

Functional teas - Komplex Series

A series of functional teas that is our answer for healthy lifestyle trend. We created unique blends of the highest quality herbs with health-promoting compounds that will support proper functioning of the body and help maintain physical condition.

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Treasures of Polish Nature – Herbal teas and Herbal&Fruit blends closed in pyramid shaped teabags

Our brand new series of teas are unique compositions made from carefully selected herbs and fruits from Polish meadows, forests and orchards.

Years of experience and continuous broaden of our knowledge about richness of nature, allowed us to create a new, extraordinary series of tea blends closed in three-dimensional “pyramid” teabags, thanks to which herbal and fruit drought will freely release their bouquet and taste creating a delicious and tempting aroma.

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Herbal duet

Thanks to our passion and constant broaden of our knowledge about herbs and their versatile application, in our offer you may find quite new line of products Herbal Duet now.

We give to your hands precisely composed herbal duets, as a result of selection of natural ingredients, their combination gives teas a unique taste that you will want to try again.

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MAMI&baby teas

Wellbeing of the youngest ones is important for us, so we have prepared something special for them – full of flavour herbal and fruit teas.

Let’s take care of our little ones by preparing them aromatic and tasty drinks every day.

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Fruit teas

A series of BELiN’s Fruit teas is a wide range choice of tastes and aromas.
Delicious compositions, made of natural ingredients, will be loved even by the most demanding lovers of fruity pleasure.

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Herbal teas

Harvested in shady forests, sunny meadows or home gardens, herbal teas are waiting for you to discover them again.
Let us take you on an unforgettable journey by trails of childhood memories – starting with a glass of chilled Mint tea, a horsetail infusion, strengthening your hair and nails, ending with a cup of deliciously sweet lime blossom tea. Flavours and memories hidden in a small bag wait for you to discover their secrets. Also, they will please next generations of little gourmands. Discover the completely natural and true aroma of BELiN herbal teas.

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Premium teas

The BELiN black teas collection is a composition of classics with the highest quality, which will satisfy even the most demanding lovers of traditional flavours.
Since the morning they spur you into action, they will brighten up your mood at work, and in the evening they will work perfectly on family or social meetings.
The unique series of leaf teas designed by BELiN are proposals of blending tea leaves from various sites of the world. They have been prepared for those who love aromatic journeys in its best. A cup of black or green tea will enrich the day with a moment of genuine pleasure. You don’t have gift ideas? Do you want to give tea to your clients? Are you looking for nice and clever gift? If so, the wooden box with our Zauberer tea set is the end of your problems.

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Premium tea in double-chamber teabags

Unique compositions dried fruit and high-quality flavours have been hidden in a teabag full of taste and have been trusted by our customers for years. Thanks to the innovative, double-chamber teabags, you can enjoy the fuller flavour of your favorite brew.

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Premium tea in double-chamber teabags and envelopes

A magical journey full of flavours and aromas. British Earl Gray, Polish Mint, oriental Indian tea and maybe delicious tea full of fruits? Discover unusual compositions of natural ingredients designed by BELiN tea experts.

Unique compositions of teas, dried fruit and high-quality flavours have been hidden in a teabag full of taste and have been trusted by our customers for years.
Thanks to the innovative, double-chamber teabags, you can enjoy the fuller flavour of your favorite brew.
Teabags are closed in envelopes which help to keep intense aroma for longer.

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Teas in economic packaging

Larger, family and economical packaging allows you to enjoy the exceptional taste of our teas for a long time. The product range includes fruit tea with raspberry flavour tea and black tea. Enjoy our tea … for a long time!

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Green teas

Time for green-fruity refreshment!
All this thanks to the series of teas combining the refined taste of green tea with the unobvious natural aromas of fruits. These are ideal propositions for demanding tea lovers.

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Dietary supplements

Having in mind health and well-being of our clients, we have designed a series Vita Tea, which will be a perfect addition to your daily diet.
Unique compositions of the highest quality herbs and fruits will not only stimulate proper functioning of the body, but also help maintain physical condition and keep slim silhouette.

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Herbal Garden of Health

Stress and rush are inseparable elements of the modern world. Although they sound inconspicuous, they systematically destroy your body. Four coffees day, irregular fast meals, handy sweet snacks, and sleeping pills at the end of the day.
It doesn’t need to be like that. BELiN has been offering natural herbs and blends for years, which support proper functioning of the body. Our latest HERBAL GARDEN OF HEALTH series has been prepared for healthy lifestyle and well-being.

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Acknowledgment for WOŚP
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We are really proud that we could take part in such a fantastic action and contribute to its success. We can not wait for the next edition.

Business Gazelles
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We are pleased to announce that once again we have found ourselves in the elite group of Business Gazelles.
The 19th edition of the ranking gathers the most dynamic small and medium enterprises in Poland.

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Given the experience and position of our company as well as the scientific and didactic potential of the Economic and Social Faculty of the University of Life Sciences in Poznań and noting research, educational and promotional needs, a cooperation agreement was signed on September 5, 2018.

Getting a Patent
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Undoubtedly, the recipe for success is constant development. BELiN, aware of this as an innovator of modern production methods, can boast of a patent obtained for new technological solutions.

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